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The Cast

Featuring heartfelt interviews with both the artists and the residents of Selma, Alabama.

If you’re looking to connect with the human spirit and discover the transformative power of art and empathy in bringing communities together, this documentary is a must-watch.

Joanne Bland

Civil Rights Foot Solider

Afriye WeKandodis

By The River Center for Humanity

Tres Taylor

Professional Artist in Selma, Alabama

Watch The Trailer

Experience the healing power of art in “Revolution of Joy”

“Revolution of Joy” offers a unique and inspiring perspective on the power of creativity to effect change. The documentary boldly demonstrates that even in the face of adversity and ongoing social challenges, there is still hope for positive change and meaningful progress.

About the Filmmaker

McKinnon Maddox, a passionate filmmaker with a deep love for movies, was born and raised in Alabama. With an unwavering dedication to his craft, he embarked on a remarkable journey to create the thought-provoking documentary “Revolution of Joy.” As an Alabama filmmaker, McKinnon takes immense pride in telling stories rooted in his home state.

Captivated by the rich history and vibrant culture of Selma, Alabama, McKinnon fell in love with its people and their unwavering spirit. Through his lens, he delves into the lives of individuals who have experienced adversity, revealing their resilience and the transformative power of joy. With “Revolution of Joy,” McKinnon Maddox showcases his commitment to shining a light on the remarkable stories that have unfolded within his beloved Alabama, captivating audiences and reminding us all of the enduring human spirit.

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